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Create and Edit records

Laravel CRUD generator can automatically generate the FORM for creating and editing records. It can also generate the validation rules for the form.

Form fields

The form fields are generated based on the database table columns. The following column types are supported:

Example of generated fields
(Example of generated fields)

  • string (input type text)
  • text (textarea)
  • integer (input type number)
  • enum (select)
  • boolean (radio buttons)
  • relation (select with hydrated options)
  • and so on...

It can also infer the field type from the column names. For example, if the column name is email, the field type will be email.

Validation rules

By default, all non-nullable fields are required. Columns with a unique index are also validated to be unique in the table.

Some additional validation rules are also added based on the column name. For example, if the column name is email, the validation rule will be email.

Relation fields

If the table has any foreign key columns, the generator will automatically add a select field for that column. The options for the select field will be hydrated from the related table.

For example, if your table has a country_id column and if the country table exists: the generator will add a select field for country (as shown in the image above) and the options for that select field will be hydrated from the countries table (if the country table has a user_id column, the options will be filtered by the current user).

Quick note about relation fields

You do need to add relation fields manually or create any foreign key columns in the database. The relation is inferred from the column name only. Any column name that matches the pattern *_id are considered relation.

For example, if the column name is country_id, the generator will look for a countries table and add if that exists (and if the current user has permission to access that table) it will add a select field for that column and hydrate the options from the countries table.

Released under the MIT License.