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Relational tables and nesting

In addition to generating simple CRUD for a single table, you can also generate CRUD for tables related to each other.

Example #1

For example, let's say we have the following tables:

  • Authors
    • Posts
      • Comments

To generate CRUD for these tables you can use the dot notation to specify the parent tables like this: authors.posts.comments.


# Create CRUD for authors table
$ php artisan crud:generate authors

# Create CRUD for posts table
$ php artisan crud:generate authors.posts

# Create CRUD for comments table
$ php artisan crud:generate authors.posts.comments

This will generate CRUD files for the authors table, so you can view, create, edit and delete authors using the /authors route.

Then for each author, you can view, create, edit and delete posts using the /authors/{author}/posts route.

And for each post, you can view, create, edit and delete comments using the /authors/{author}/posts/{post}/comments route.

Example #2

On the other hand, if you want to generate CRUD for the posts table without nesting it under the authors route, you can do this:

# Create CRUD for posts table
$ php artisan crud:generate posts

# Create CRUD for comments table
$ php artisan crud:generate posts.comments

So now you can view, create, edit and delete all posts regardless of the author using the /posts route and then for each post, you can view, create, edit and delete comments using the /posts/{post}/comments route.

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