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Known Gotchas

Laravel Jetstream

Laravel CRUD generator doesn't seem to work with Laravel jetstream just yet. If you are using jetstream, you can still use the package, but you will have to manually modify some generated code to fix the layout and authentication issues.

A very simple search is added to the list view by default. It searches the first text column of the table and filters the results. But this generated search code is just a rudimentary placeholder, and you should customize the search algorithm as per your own needs.

Opinionated code

While the package tries to be as flexible as possible, it still generates some opinionated code. For example, the generated CRUD uses Laravel's Policy classes for handling authorization. But you may prefer to use something else like spatie/laravel-permission, which can be done but requires you to create your own templates.

Alpha version

You should only use it with new projects. If you are using it in an existing project, make sure to back up (or commit) any project changes before running the command.

Released under the MIT License.