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Using your own templates

At the heart of Laravel CRUD generator are the templates files that are used to generate the CRUD files.

The templates files included with this package are stored in the ./vendor/san-kumar/laravel-crud/src/template directory.

It contains all the stub files that are used to generate the Controller, Model, Policy, routes, etc.

Customizing the templates

You can customize the templates by copying the template into a new directory and then modifying the template files.

To make this simple Laravel CRUD generator provides an artisan command that will copy the template files into a new directory for you.

# Copy the template files into a new directory
$ php artisan crud:template newname 

This will copy the template files into a new directory ./templates/newname/ directory.

It you want to specify a different directory to copy the template files into you can use the --directory or -d option.

# Copy the template files into a new directory
$ php artisan crud:template newname -d etc/templates

This will copy the template files into a new directory ./etc/templates/newname/ directory.

Using your own templates

To use your own templates you need to specify the template directory in the config/crud.php file.

// config/crud.php

return [
    'template_dir' => 'etc/templates/newname',

Alternatively you can specify the template directory using the --template or -t option while generating the CRUD.

# Generate the CRUD using the new template
$ php artisan crud:generate Post --template etc/templates/newname

Customizing the templates

You will need to modify the template files in the new directory to customize the generated files.

You will find multiple variables that are used in the template files that are replaced with the actual values when the files are generated.

To see the full list of variables that are used in the template files check out the source code for GenerateCrud.php

Released under the MIT License.